
Hey There,

Welcome to the Sound Mind Blog,

My name is Venice Louis, founder and creator of this platform. My history of writing has always been a form of escape and now a way to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. The love for writing was born in 2018 when I faced a bad breakup, mental attack, and much more. I was encouraged to write and since then, it is a primary way of communication with God and outlet to express my feelings.  

The Sound Mind Blog is intended to be an avenue that connects the gospel, mental health, and practical skills that a person can use a guide through life. This platform possesses a youthful essence but is intended for all ages as a source of encouragement no matter the season. As you read through each post, remember that your struggles are being faced by your brothers and sisters around the world. This blog is a reminder that you are not alone in life but instead you are loved. 
